Connecting the Proeftuin Project Community through XR & 5G

  • Post last modified:11/09/2024

Connecting the Proeftuin Project Community through XR & 5G On the 5th of September at AP Hogeschool, Howest and AP hosted a Proeftuin Media XR & 5G project Community Meetup. A big thanks to all those who attended and presented from the XR, 5G and media, entertainment, event, tourism and sport sector and more! Citymesh Make sure to check out this ATV/GVA report about Citymesh's latest 5G Jeep, "Rambo," who made an appearance at the event, with…

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Webinar: Media innovation at the intersection of XR and 5G

  • Post last modified:11/09/2024

In our ongoing exploration of the convergence of XR and 5G, we invited 3 5G-experts to shed their lights on the possibilities in terms of creativity and connectivity. Meet the experts Ian Wagdin - BBC R&D Ian works for BBC R&D as senior technology transfer manager. His current areas of focus are the transition to IP and cloud infrastructures as well as general production workflows and 5G. Ian was also chair of the EBU 5G in…

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